Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Is there any way to motivate teachers to make good use of XOs?

This week, I didn’t do any teacher training session because of the unavailability of teachers both at Nonko and Rwamagana. However I had three game programming training sessions to the kids at ESCAF and Nonko. These student’s trainings gave me a hint of what we should focus on during either teacher’s or student’s trainings. They both need motivation and practicable examples of what XOs can do. For insistence, I noticed that after kids have practiced a particular game, they get more understanding of using Scratch commands.

I figured out this is the same case for teacher too few weeks ago when I was at Kagugu where this English teacher didn’t want to use scratch to teach his students a topic about relative pronouns. His main concern was that he wouldn’t be able to grade (evaluate) his pupils. He didn’t want to grade each child’s XO; but after we explained him that he can tell the kids to submit their work on the host page where he would grade them without checking on every laptop, he found out the importance of scratch activity. This is only one example, but I know all the teacher are like this one, they need to understand not necessarily how to use every single piece of a certain activity but more importantly how it can helpful in the day-to-day life.

Apart of from this observation, I would also suggest to install gcompris and English4Fun activities on the laptops of students at ESCAF because almost all of them have shown a productive result from those activities. I think that even five interns would be enough to install them in all the computers for few hours, so we should schedule a day to do this technical support for the sake of these considerably-motivated students.


  1. Tom,

    I agree we need to find ways to make the teachers lives easier with the XO's rather than more difficult. Great point with the Escaf comment. In the Journalism club we get bombarded with kids asking us for English for Fun and Gcompris, we need to give the kids tools to help them progress and keep them engaged.

  2. Great post, Ez. I'd love to hear more examples where you've shown teachers how the XO is relevant to their day-to-day responsibilities.

    Keep me posted on the Gcompris and English4Fun installs.


  3. Hi EZ.
    First of all I want to congratulate you for the great job you are doing at schools, especially at the clubs, and with this blog as well.
    Second, I wanted to inform you we will have time to install English for fun and GCompris to the students at ESCAF on this Friday June 25 at 10:30 am, we'd love for you to join bc we will also fix one laptop with keyboard problems, so it will be a good learning experience. See you there!
